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  • Golden Agers - 2024
  • Golden Agers - 2023


New Hope United Methodist Church is a delightful, historic church founded in 1795 in the beautiful Pomaria countryside of Newberry County, South Carolina.

We share in the United Methodist Church's mission of making disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world by making disciples of Christ of ourselves, both individually and communally as the Body of Christ. In doing this, we see discipleship as actively following in the footsteps of Jesus. We are intentionally loving as Jesus loves, caring as Jesus cares, and serving as Jesus serves.


  • Building Renovation Underway

    After over fifteen years of fundraising, planning, and preparation, renovations of the Fellowship Hall have begun!  Plans call for ADA compliant access and restrooms, expanded classroom space, and several other upgrades related to safety and building code compliance.

    It’s an exciting time as we prepare for the new ministries that will be possible with the transformed facilities that we will have.  Construction is expected to take about 6 months, completing sometime in September (hopefully). Since every act of construction requires an initial act of destruction, we will be somewhat inconvenienced during that time. Plans for VBS, and other activities are being made so that the ministerial and administrative functions of the church will continue while the Fellowship Hall is unavailable. 

    In one way or another, the entire church and community has contributed to the success of this project.  For more information on our Fellowship Hall renovation and expansion, including photos of the progress and plans - please click here.  Please reach out to Melanie or any member of the building committee with any questions or comments.

  • Eagle Scout Project

    Nolan O’Neal is a member of Boy Scout Troop 76 in Pomaria and, with the help of his Scout troop, will soon begin his Eagle Scout Service Project with plans to complete it sometime in April. He has chosen to “rehab” our playground area so that it continues to be a safe and fun place for the youngest members of our congregation.

    Plans include pressure washing, repairing and sealing the wood, replacing swings, and adding a border with weed block and mulch. The materials will cost around $3,000. He is collecting monetary donations to aid in completing the project. If you wish to help, please mark your contribution “Eagle Project”. Click here to give online.  Please contact Nolan or Gary Graham if you have questions or would like additional information. Thank you!

  • Bible Study

    If you want to develop a closer, more intimate, personal relationship with God then you will want to join our new weekly bible study starting on Monday, January 13, at 7 PM, on Zoom. We will be using Richard Foster's book Celebration of Discipline. Foster shows us how the spiritual disciplines from the Bible are God's means of grace for building an interpersonal relationship with God - a relationship that God wants and for which our souls hunger.  The book and a companion study guide are both available on Amazon. Both will be used in the study.  If you need assistance obtaining the books, please let Pastor Jesse know.  Join us and see just how deep your relationship with our Creator can be.  A link will be sent via email each Monday for all to participate.  

  • Knitting & Crochet Group

    If you're interested in learning to knit or crochet, please contact Mimi Rogers.  The group gathers on Tuesdays at the parsonage.  All skill levels are welcome.  It is never too late to join!  The group recently completed many beautiful blankets and pillows and donated them to Newberry Hospital to be distributed to patients and newborns.  The fellowship is great and donations are welcome!

  • Pomaria Food Bank

    We continue to collect items for the Pomaria Food Bank.  Supplies are extremely low and all donations are urgently needed!  Current needs:  dried beans, grits, pasta, rice, and peanut butter.  Please consider picking up a few extra items when you're out doing your grocery shopping.  Our continued support of this ministry is greatly appreciated.  You may also drop your goods off in the donation box at the Pomaria Food Bank located at 110 Victoria Street in Pomaria behind Wilson's Grocery.