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Information Update

Thank you for taking time to help update our church records.  Please provide as much information as possible.  If your information has not changed, we ask that you still complete the form.  We may have inaccurate or incomplete information.

  • Please complete a new/separate form for any child(ren) over the age of 18 living at home or in college.  (As the parents, please do not include them on your form.)
  • Please feel free to complete a form for your parents or adult children (if members) to aid in updating records - or - please encourage them to complete the online or paper form for themselves.

Accurate information ensures we can touch base with each member of our congregation.  Thank you for helping to keep our church records up-to-date!  Submitting the form online is quick and your information is kept safe and secure!  If you'd rather complete a paper form, please click here.